  why are cigarettes called squares

why are cigarettes called squares

Why were Cigarettes called Squares? (Historiacal Veiw?)? - Yahoo.
Why do people call cigarettes "squares"? - Yahoo! Answers

Why are cigarettes called squares? | ChaCha

Why are cigarettes sometimes called squares? | ChaCha

Why are cigarettes called squares? The KGB Agent answer: Some call cigarettes "squares" because of the square papers people used to use to roll up cigarettes.
Why are cigarettes called squares? ChaCha Answer: Calling cigarettes squares is common in prisons as a way to differentiate between a...
Why are cigarettes sometimes called squares? ChaCha Answer: From what I've read, it has to do with when people used to roll their own...
Word Origins and Meanings Archive. "I am trying to figure out how cigarettes have come to be called "squares." I have." · "I can't find "square" with the.
Fag Cigarette
Best Answer: Four Square is a particular brand of cigarettes. That may be the reason.. Maybe they're referring to the smokers.. where do you live? I. - View topic - Calling Cigarettes Squares
Why are cigarettes called cigarettes? They are called cigarettes because they are a mini cigar, so they are called cigar "ettes", "ette" meaning a smaller version.
Best Answer: From what I've read, it has to do with when people used to roll their own cigarettes using square pieces of cigarette paper.
  • Why are cigarettes called squares - The Q&A wiki

  • Why are cigarettes called squares? – kgb answers

    why are cigarettes called squares Urban Dictionary Square

    Fag Cigarette Why do people call cigarettes "squares"? - Yahoo! Answers Urban Dictionary Square Square Definition Slang Why Are Cigarettes Called FagsSquare Highlights Research Showing Electronic Cigarettes May Be. Why do people call cigarettes "squares"? - Yahoo! Answers Square Dictionary - View topic - Calling Cigarettes Squares Cigarette Square Why are cigarettes sometimes called squares? | ChaCha Square to Roll Out Two New Disposable Electronic Cigarettes at TPE. .
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